Patiently waiting on us:
Showing off her dance moves in the middle of the mall:
The tail cracked us up:
Bird and Daddy:
Bird and Mommy:
Okay, and then I tried to get her some professional pictures made and she was not having it:
On Sunday, Auntie Heather, Uncle Todd, Dina and Jade came to the house for more trick-or-treating! Dina and Brooklynn had so much fun!
Getting ready to go trick-or-treating:
Their Halloween "ride:"
Uncle Todd babywearing little Miss Jade:
Here's some after the trick-or-treating was finished:
Trading in the candy for a sippy of milk:
We had such a wonderful fun-filled weekend! I'm not sure how we're going to out-do the peacock costume for next year (I better start brainstorming now)!
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