Brooklynn's 1st Day of Preschool!

Yesterday was Brooklynns' 1st day of school! Daddy and I dropped her off around 6:45am and she went right to Ms. Ethel (who's been with the school for 6 years). It was hard for us to leave her, but we finally did, and believe it or not, I didn't cry!!! I know, what a shocker!?! So, I called the center around 9:30am and Brooklynn was napping and had been eating just fine. My dad (who I had hung out with pretty much all day) and I decided to drop by and check on her around 11:30am. It was so funny! I didn't let her see me, and she was crawling around with a couple other babies...she made some friends! Then, she pulled up on an exersaucer that another little baby was sitting in and started playing with his toys. Haha! So funny! Gosh, I'm so happy that she likes her new school and her teachers! I can't believe how fast our little Bird is growing up!

Brooklynn in her 1st day of school outfit:

Fun at Grandma Julie's House!

Yesterday we went to my mom's house after church to celebrate Lavai's (Brooklynn's cousin) birthday! We had so much fun! Brooklynn was crawling everywhere...chasing balloons was her favorite part. She, also had a blast banging on pots! LOL! Also, wow, what a beautiful day! Around 65 degrees...oh we can't wait for Spring! As always, we had so much fun visiting with the family (Grandpa Chirs, Grandpa Delbert, Grandpa Roger, Grandma Julie, Auntie Teen, Auntie Eva, Uncle Brandon, Donna, Kim (Teen's friend), and, ofcourse, Gucci dog:)! What fun! We're so lucky to have such a great family!

Brooklynn and Grandma Julie enjoying the beautiful weather:

Banging on pots is so much fun:

Our Little Valentine

Well, tomorrow will be Brooklynn's 1st Valentine's Day! Ofcourse mommy (that would be me:) HAD to go get her a special Valentine's Day outfit! She was going to wear this to our church's Valentine's Day party on Friday, but it was canceled because of the snow. They rescheduled it for today, and we were so excited, but, alas, it was canceled again because the roads had some of our church family worried. Anyhow, Michael decided to take his girls out to eat still (okay, pretty much I told him he was taking us out of this house...even if was going to be Taco Bell...haha). We went out to eat and I snapped these pictures when we got home:

My little Valentine's Day Baby:

Seriously, how can you say, "No" to this face? And everyone wonders why she's so spoiled:

Brooklynn's First Snowman!

Boy did we get some snow yesterday! It started coming down around 1pm, and when I got home last night it was a good 4 inches deep! I couldn't wait to get out in it with Brooklynn! We had to wait until this morning because it gets dark so early these days. I attempted to build a snowman, but our neighbors Nick and Cheryl had already built one, so we took Brooklynn to their house to get snow pictures with their son, Kaiden. Yay! I got out of building the snowman! LOL! Brooklynn was laughing at the snow:

Kaiden and Brooklynn:

(Did ya'll notice her hat was hanging on the snowman's arm?? I was like, "where's Brooklynn's hat?" We all died laughing when we saw it had gotten caught on the branch! Haha)

Daddy wanted to get a fire going, so he was outside chopping wood (thank you Grandpa Javier for the fire wood!):

We've been having such a fun day today playing in the snow! We have our Valentine's Day Party at the church tonight, so hopefully the roads will get better so that we can go (Brooklynn got the cutest Valentine's Day outfit to wear...don't worry I'll be sure to update the blog with pictures of her in it)!

Brooklynn's CRAWLING!!!

As many of you know, Brooklynn was referred to physical therapy at her 9 month check up because she was not crawling and the doctor was concerned. Well, Grandma Renee sent me a video yesterday of Brooklynn crawling!!!! YAY! I can't wait to cancel that PT appt! I have been so worried and stressed, and for what?! I should have just been more patient and not so obsessed with the stupid milestone chart! Here's little B's first full day of crawling (February 11th):

9 Month Stats

Yesterday was Brooklynn's 9 month check up. She weighs 17 lbs (50th percentile) and is 28 inches long (75th percentile). She can now hold her own bottle (thank you Grandma Renee)! The doctor referred us to physical therapy because Brooklynn is not doing any of the following: crawling, going from a laying to sitting postition, pulling up on furniture to cruise, and isn't rolling without encouragement. The doctor said that she wasn't too concerned, but she should be doing all of these things by now and she thinks early intervention is best. Thus, we'll be scheduling our physical therapy probably by the end of the week. The doctor said that of all things to be delayed in gross motor was the best (I guess she wanted to throw a positive in...haha). She said that she is more concerned when babies come into her office and aren't babbling or talking (mama, dada, baba, etc.). Brooklynn is quite the talker, so there was no need for any concern there! Brooklynn is trying to get around these days...she just prefers butt-scootin' over crawling, and she loves for us to let her walk around the house while holding onto our fingers. I'll keep everyone posted and let you know how it goes!
My big girl:

Her cute jammies from Grandma Julie:

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